My Original Course Improves Your English Speaking Even If You’re Still a Beginner.

“You Also Want A Powerful, Fast, Complete System For Excellent English Speaking… PLUS A Fun System That Entertains.

You Enjoy Speaking Clearly & Powerfully, Winning Better Jobs, Eliminating Fear, Becoming An Expert English Speaker…”


“Speaking English has become as effortless as speaking French”


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Trusted by more than 100 000 students across the globe.

As seen on:

If You’re Ready to Start Speaking More Excellent English Right Now, You Must Read This Letter...

Dear friend who wants more success with English, I have some questions for you:

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then I have some excellent news for you…

Read What Learners Say About the Pronunciation Course

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Hi, My name is PLAMEN GEORGIEV and before my English was so bad. When I became a member of the Effortless English Club, my English speaking abilities improved. I have a lot of benefits in my job from using this course. My understanding has improved. We have a strong community of learners. I’m so excited!
 The best way to learn English - really improving English speaking after a half a year!!!
The best way to learn English - really improving English speaking after a half a year!!!
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Listen, I never thought that learning English would be so awesome – but it is! With Effortless English you learn as you live. It is natural and fascinating. You really improve your English skills effortlessly, by only listening to the funny lessons. Awesome! All you need to study English is a computer with the internet and sound equipment. I recommend this great company to anyone without any doubts. To try Effortless English is to trust Effortless English. Really!
 Great Job Mr. Hoge I Love Your Lessons!
Great Job Mr. Hoge I Love Your Lessons!
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Mr. AJ Hoge I love your lessons so much. They are very useful to my English speaking being perfected. Also in the Courses you learn English in addition to human development, and that’s a great addition to the program. Original Course 🙂 Human development is a great way to make yourself more confidant. Thank you so much you are the best! Original Course 🙂

Here’s the truth...

NOT knowing how to speak English powerfully feels bad.

On the other hand...

KNOWING how to speak excellent English feels GOOD.

Don’t Lose Your Success...

If you are ready for SUPER-SUCCESS with English speaking, then what I’m going to help you get it FASTER.

When I first started my company, I made a new English Course. I call it “The Original Effortless English Course”.

I made a complete course to increase your success with excellent English speaking.

This digital audio course has over THIRTY-FIVE full hours of mp3 lessons… many of my most popular lessons, ideas, techniques, and methods.

This is your chance to use the Original Course and speak more excellent English.

Now you can get my very first course, immediately in your home.

 The Effortless English is the best English learning program I ever seen in my life
The Effortless English is the best English learning program I ever seen in my life
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It is my pleasure to share with you reasons why I think that Effortless English is the best. – It doesn’t aim only to teach English but also to make the world a better place to live by transferring priceless know-how to the members. – Topics of the lessons are always at the forefront, more than just English. Therefore people can learn easily. – Social ethics is an important value in this program.



RIGHT Now is the time to improve your success with English…
and this is one of my most POPULAR courses.
 Just click the “Join Now” button below to start now.

$149 USD limited time offer!


“Speaking English has become as effortless as speaking French”


Most People Never Learn, So They Continue Making the Same Mistakes Again and Again...

Most people try one of these methods with English:

They take a lot of English classes,… doing a lot of drills, exercises, dialogues, and class activities….


They try to improve alone… studying endless grammar books, vocabulary lists, textbooks, sample TOEFL tests,….

The problem with both of these methods?

  • They don’t work– They are NOT successful.
  • They are expensive.
  • They are slow and boring.

So what’s the answer?

I’m happy you asked……

The answer, my friend, is to stop using methods that DON’T WORK… stop boring yourself…. and instead start learning powerful, tested, GUARANTEED methods to speak excellent English successfully.

And here’s how…..

I’m giving you a simple formula for learning how to speak excellent English.

Use these steps to get total success with English speaking.

Success with English starts inside you. You must FEEL strong every time you speak English. When you feel strong and powerful you notice that everything improves. Other people become VERY interested in you. They listen to you. They want to hear your ideas and opinions. They respect you. You also notice that you speak faster,.. and you speak more clearly. Unfortunately, strong positive emotion is not automatic. You must practice feeling strong every time you speak English. When you learn how to create positive emotion EVERY TIME you speak English, you will be AMAZED at your success.

You know so much grammar and vocabulary, yet you still do not speak English well?

After so many years of English learning, why is English still so difficult?

The truth is that “knowing” English is not enough. Great speakers don’t “know” English grammar, they “feel” English grammar.

They feel what “sounds right” and what “sounds wrong”.

This feeling is instant and automatic.

In school you learned to “know” English.

So you must constantly think about grammar and vocabulary. Because you are constantly thinking, your speaking is slow and unnatural.

I use new methods that teach you to FEEL English. These methods teach you to use correct grammar without thinking.

That’s called “Intuitive Speaking” and that’s how every native speaker speaks.

North Americans never think about grammar when they speak. Neither do British people or Australians. They automatically use correct grammar (and vocabulary) without thinking at all.

The good news is that when you use my new methods, you can have big success with English.

You learn how to use English to get the job, friends, and opportunities you want in life.


Here’s a very short list of what you’re going to learn inside this powerful home-study program:

My Original Lessons for Faster and Easier English Speaking...

I started teaching English many years ago.

During my years of teaching, I have learned and improved. Eventually, I created the Effortless English System.

The Original course was my very first course. I recorded it in my apartment in San Francisco.

This course became one of my most popular. Because of this course, I have helped over 4 million people speak more excellent English.

This course will give you the results you want. This course has been used by millions of people all over the world.

Like them, you too will succeed.

You are learning English for a reason. You want fantastic jobs… jobs that give you more fun, more money, more opportunities. You want amazing travel… feeling strong and confident as you visit new countries and make new friends.

You want to pass interviews and tests.

You don’t want to wait longer… you want maximum SUCCESS with English NOW.

 Great Job Mr. Hoge I Love Your Lessons!
Great Job Mr. Hoge I Love Your Lessons!
Read More
Mr. AJ Hoge I love your lessons so much. They are very useful to my English speaking being perfected. Also in the Courses you learn English in addition to human development, and that’s a great addition to the program. Original Course 🙂 Human development is a great way to make yourself more confidant. Thank you so much you are the best! Original Course 🙂

Here’s What You Get in the Original Course Now...

You now get my Original Course with all the audios and text, and the free bonuses, plus the easy payment plan...

* All Lessons Features

Downloadable lessons.

Which means there’s no waiting for the mail to come. No software to load. You get over 35 hours of digital audio in mp3 form that you can download now and start today.

Mobile lessons.

You can easily put all of your lessons on your iPod, mp3 player and phone and take them wherever you go. To the gym … in the car … on your morning run … anywhere. Start today.

What’s the price for this popular program? Well, this is my very first course. It will probably save you YEARS of time and frustration. Your investment for this powerful program is only 6 easy payments of $29.99.


I’m so sure you will love the Original Effortless English Course.

Here’s how it works:

I want to send you Original Course at MY RISK.

If you like it, keep it. You will be billed automatically. If you don’t like it, just send us an email within 30 days and I’ll give you a full refund.

Can it get better?

Yes it can…

I also realize that paying for this program might be difficult for some people. So to make it easier for you, I’ll let you make small payments for just SIX MONTHS!

I’m making it super-easy for you.

When you click the button below, you go to a safe order page. Just use a credit card for your order.

Do this course from beginning to the end. Do all of it and follow the schedule. You will have GREAT RESULTS, and you WILL speak more excellent English.

Use the lessons for up to 30 days with my Guarantee.

If you decide it’s not for you, for ANY REASON, just email within 30 days and you’ll get a full refund.

If you want to keep The Original Course (and I know you will), don’t do anything. You’ll be billed automatically in only six easy monthly payments.

I have helped many other people succeed with The Original Effortless English Course and I will help you too:

Order Here Now.



Try the Effortless English Pronunciation Course for up to 30 days with my 100% Guarantee.

If you decide it’s not for you, for ANY REASON, just email within 30 days and you’ll get a full refund.


6 Monthly Payments


Single Payments

Save 60$ !


By purchasing the course you agree to our Terms of Service.
If you want to keep The Effortless English Original Course (and I know you will), don’t do anything. You’ll be billed automatically. For more information read our Terms of Service

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