Effortless English Blog & Video Podcast by A.J. Hoge
Video and blog posts teaching everything you need to know about learning English.
Fear Is Fine
Fear of speaking English. Fear of public speaking. Fear of being different. Fear of job interviews. Fear of leaving school.
Filler Words | Public Speaking
Filler words make you sound weak. Common filler words and sounds include: um, uh, you know, ah, like. When you
History Of English Language | 1066
The history of the English Language: 1066 is the most important date in the history of English. Why does English
Body Language | Non Verbal Communication
Body language and nonverbal communication are important for your English speaking. You need to communicate confidence. You need to look
Motivation For Studying English
Increase your motivation to study English. Many students complain that they are bored with English. They are tired and don’t
How To Teach Children English
Teach children English using these simple techniques. Your children can learn English very quickly. They can learn to speak English fluently.