FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions - Power English FAQ
How Do I Buy Power English Lessons?
Go to the bottom of the home page and click “buy now” button.
I Want To Thank You For The Lessons. How can I do that?
You’re welcome. We love getting hearing from excited members! Please leave a comment on our page or “like” it.
I Don’t Have a Credit Card, How Can I Pay?
You can send money with PayPal without a credit card. We prefer to use PayPal because it is safer for you. With PayPal, your financial information is protected.
Can I Pay With a Money Order or Western Union?
No. We do not accept money orders or Western Union because they are not secure and there are problems with counterfeiting.
Is This a Subscription. Will My Card Be Charged Every Month?
The Power English Lessons are just one fee. You pay only once. The VIP Member Club is a monthly subscription program, so you pay each month.
After I Pay, How Do I Get The Lessons?
You will immediately receive an email with a link to the download page. Click the link, then click on the titles of the lesson sets to download them. Lesson sets should download automatically after you click the title. If your computer asks, choose WinZip to download the files (most computers will do this automatically).
How Many Lessons Are There In Power English?
There are over 32 lesson sets, each with 4 or more lessons in it.
Do I Need an MP3 Player or iPod to Listen to the Lessons?
No. You can listen to the lessons on your computer. However, an MP3 player (iPod) will allow you to listen to the lessons anywhere and anytime– just load the lessons onto your MP3 player and learn English on the bus, while walking, during lunch, etc.
What Kind of Files Are the Lesson Downloads?
The lessons are all .zip files. Zip files download faster. You need 7-Zip or WinZip to open these files. WinZip comes with most Windows and Mac computers. If your computer for some reason does not already support built-in zip extraction, you can get 7-Zip for free at: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
What Program Do I Use To Open the Lessons?
Use 7-Zip or WinZip to download the files (see above question). After that, use your media player (such as iTunes) for the audio lessons, and use Adobe Acrobat Reader for the text files. These programs can be downloaded for free (from Apple and Adobe) if your computer does not have them already.
Which Lesson Sets Should I Listen To First?
You can listen to the lessons in any order. However, we recommend that you follow the order of the download list.
How Do I Use The Lessons?
Listen to one lesson set every day each week. Each lesson set has 4-5 lessons in it. Repeat each lesson in the set everyday for at least one week. If the lesson set still seems difficult, listen to these lessons every day for another week.
If the lessons seem easy, still listen to them everyday for at least one week. Deep learning is a very important part of our system. Over-learn every lesson.
I Don’t Understand All Of The Lessons, What Should I Do?
Start with the first lessons and focus on the Mini-Story lessons. It’s OK if you don’t understand every word. Just relax and listen to the same lesson everyday for a week. The Mini-Story lessons are the most important, so focus on them first if you are having trouble. Most of all, be patient. It takes time, but with consistent listening you will improve!
I Paid But I Didn’t Get An Email With The Download Link. What Should I Do?
Check your “bulk mail” folder or your “spam” folder. Your email company probably sent the email there by mistake.
If its not there you might have accidentally entered a wrong email address. Send an email to our Customer Service Department (members.effortlessenglish@gmail.com) with: Your Name and Date You Bought The Lessons.
Do You Have A Demo Lesson?
You will find lectures, sample lessons and more on our podcast at: https://www.effortlessenglishcenter.com.
Can I Get The Lessons For Free?
No. We cannot offer the lessons for free, but we do guarantee your satisfaction with a money-back guarantee.
Are The Lessons Different From The Free Email Course?
Yes. The email course teaches you an English study method that you can use independently. The Power English lessons (and VIP Club) teach you English vocabulary, speaking, listening, and grammar.
How Can I Improve My Writing?
The best way to improve reading and writing is to read easy novels… and read them everyday. How easy? Well, you should not need a dictionary to understand and you should be able to read quickly. On most pages, you should understand 98% of the words. You can start with kids novels– books for children ages 7-12. Then find adolescent novels (for ages 13-15). After you read a lot of those, read novels for teenagers (16-18 years old)… and finally, novels for adults. What kind of novels? Anything you like. Mystery, romance, adventure, etc…. Read things you like. Read easy novels. Read a lot and read everyday. Don’t use a dictionary– read quickly and enjoy your reading. This is the best way to improve both reading and writing.
I didn’t receive an email from your email course?
Check your “bulk” or “spam” mail folder. Emails are sometimes put there by your email company by mistake. If the emails are not there, you may need to sign up again for the free email course.
What is the difference between Power English course, Original course and V.I.P. Membership?
The courses differ based on the level:
- Original Course for low intermediate level
- Power English for intermediate level
- V.I.P. Membership for high-intermediate level
Power English and Original courses are one time payments, whereas the V.I.P. is a monthly membership course where you are charged on a monthly basis.

Rated 5.0 Based on 8000+ Happy Students
Well, do not study business English textbooks.
Do not focus on business vocabulary tests.
English Lesson Sets Include:
- Advanced Video Lessons
- Listen & Answer Lessons
- Point-of-View Grammar Story Lessons
- Text Guide
- Bonus: VIP Member Social Network

Join the program today and you get an additional discount of $30/month.
After the 10 day period you can choose not to cancel your $1 membership and continue learning english for $37/month thereafter (normal fee $67/month).