How To Learn English Seminars

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I have begun planning our new “How To Learn English” seminars.  Each seminar will be one day and will describe and demonstrate the Effortless English system.

I arrived in Bangkok, Thailand a couple of days ago and immediately started to plan the seminar.

My idea is to provide a complete overview of our system.  But I don’t want to merely lecture or talk about theory.  I also want to give participants a powerful learning experience–  so that they directly experience the power of Effortless English.

I also want to go beyond what’s possible with our recorded lessons.  A live seminar makes it possible to have highly energetic & interactive lessons.

In each seminar, I’ll start by explaining the key principles of Effortless English.  I’ll briefly review some of the research that supports our method, and I’ll also talk about my personal teaching experiences.

But the fun part will be the demonstration–  I’ll do a live Mini-Story lesson with the participants and then a live Point of View (POV) lesson with them.   Live Mini-Stories are quite fun, because the learner’s can help me create the story details.   Whenever I ask a question that has an unknown answer, participants shout out guesses…  I typically choose the guess that is the strangest or funniest.

Gradually, we create a very fun, crazy story together….  with plenty of deep learning and interaction.

Another feature of seminars is that they are physical.  When I teach- I move!  I pour my energy into the class…  and I demand energetic responses from them.

This is nothing like the English classes you experienced in school.  You’ll be shouting, jumping, laughing, dancing, and moving!

We do this for two reasons:  First, research by Dr. James Asher (and others) shows that we learn much more deeply when we involve our bodies.   It turns out that moving while learning is a great strategy– which causes you to remember what you have learned much longer– and helps you use your knowledge more easily.

The second reason is that it’s fun!  And guess what– fun also creates more powerful learning!  Happy students, it has been shown, learn much faster and remember more of what they have learned (compared to bored, tired, or anxious students).

All seminar participants will be given lifetime membership on our Effortless English Forums– so soon you’ll be able to hear about the seminars directly from learners like yourself!

Of course, I’ll be using their comments to continually improve our seminars.  My long-term goal is to create a series of seminars, including a 4-7 day intensive English learning experience.

But it all starts now, in Thailand, with our first “English Speaking Breakthrough” seminar.  If you live in Thailand, I hope to see you there.  We’ll be announcing dates and locations soon!

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