Learn Business English AJ Style

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Business English lessons with a strong focus for small business and entrepreneurs– that’s how I describe my the “Success” business lesson pack.

As always, I did not want to create normal, boring lessons.  Unfortunately, most business English lessons are incredibly boring– even worse than regular English lessons!   Most business English lessons are filled with horribly fake and boring dialogues. Most contain no valuable information– other than long lists of business vocabulary with special apps, utilizing the right technology can improve your learning and your business.

As you know, I never teach in a boring or conventional way.

I decided to make my Success Business English Lessons totally different and unique.

Business English Lessons That Teach Business

First, I decided that the content of the lessons must be interesting and useful.  Anybody can make a list of vocabulary.

In my business lessons you do learn business English, but you also learn something much more. You learn the business secrets that I have used to build my own company- Effortless English LLC.

I started my company 2 years ago with $250.   This year, we are nearing $1 million dollars in revenue.  I don’t say this to brag, but rather to convince you that the business principles you learn in my Success Business English Lessons are powerful.

In these lessons, I teach the principles, the secrets, the strategies, and the specific practices I have used to build my company.

I teach you:

  • How to create inexpensive products/services that excite people
  • How to be noticed in a crowded marketplace
  • How to advertise and market successfully
  • How to create a powerful brand
  • How to create and keep customers who absolutely love your company

I also teach you important tips for managing your personal finances.


We are no longer selling the Success Business English Lessons.   We now recommend BusinessEnglishConversastions


Effortless English

Learn To Speak English Like a Native

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